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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
5  * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
12  * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #ifndef M2M_INTERFACE_H
17 #define M2M_INTERFACE_H
19 #include <stdint.h>
20 #include "mbed-client/m2mvector.h"
21 #include "mbed-client/m2mconfig.h"
24 #include "sn_coap_protocol.h"
25 #include "nsdl-c/sn_nsdl_lib.h"
29 class M2MSecurity;
30 class M2MObject;
31 class M2MBase;
36 typedef FP callback_handler;
38 typedef enum request_error_e {
39  FAILED_TO_SEND_MSG = 0, // Message sending has failed
40  FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_MEMORY = 1, // Can't allocate memory for the request
41  ERROR_NOT_REGISTERED = 2 // Not registered, request will NOT to be stored for resending purposes
42 } request_error_t;
44 typedef request_error_e get_data_req_error_e;
45 typedef request_error_t get_data_req_error_t;
58 typedef void (*request_data_cb)(const uint8_t *buffer,
59  size_t buffer_size,
60  size_t total_size,
61  bool last_block,
62  void *context);
63 typedef request_data_cb get_data_cb; // For backward compatibility
70 typedef void (*request_error_cb)(request_error_t error_code, void *context);
71 typedef request_error_cb get_data_error_cb; // For backward compatibility
82 class M2MInterface {
84 public:
90  typedef enum {
91  ErrorNone = 0,
92  AlreadyExists,
93  BootstrapFailed,
94  InvalidParameters,
95  NotRegistered,
96  Timeout,
97  NetworkError,
98  ResponseParseFailed,
99  UnknownError,
100  MemoryFail,
101  NotAllowed,
102  SecureConnectionFailed,
103  DnsResolvingFailed,
104  UnregistrationFailed,
105  ESTEnrollmentFailed,
106  FailedToStoreCredentials,
107  FailedToReadCredentials
108  }Error;
114  typedef enum {
115  NOT_SET = 0,
116  UDP = 0x01,
117  UDP_QUEUE = 0x03,
118  SMS = 0x04,
119  SMS_QUEUE =0x06,
120  UDP_SMS_QUEUE = 0x07,
121  TCP = 0x09, //not real value, spec does not have one!
122  //this has nsdl binding mode bit UDP set
123  TCP_QUEUE = 0x0b //not real value, spec does not have one!
124  //this has nsdl binding mode bits, UDP and UDP_QUEUE set
125  }BindingMode;
131  typedef enum {
132  Uninitialized = 0,
133  LwIP_IPv4,
134  LwIP_IPv6,
135  Reserved,
136  Nanostack_IPv6,
137  ATWINC_IPv4,
138  Unknown
139  }NetworkStack;
141 public:
143  virtual ~M2MInterface(){}
153  virtual void bootstrap(M2MSecurity *security_object) = 0;
161  virtual void cancel_bootstrap() = 0;
166  virtual void finish_bootstrap() = 0;
179  virtual void register_object(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MBaseList &list) = 0;
191  virtual void register_object(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MObjectList &object_list) = 0;
199  virtual bool remove_object(M2MBase *base) = 0;
210  virtual void update_registration(M2MSecurity *security_object, const uint32_t lifetime = 0) = 0;
223  virtual void update_registration(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MBaseList &list,
224  const uint32_t lifetime = 0) = 0;
237  virtual void update_registration(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MObjectList &object_list,
238  const uint32_t lifetime = 0) = 0;
246  virtual void unregister_object(M2MSecurity* security_object = NULL) = 0;
254  virtual void set_queue_sleep_handler(callback_handler handler) = 0;
263  virtual void set_random_number_callback(random_number_cb callback) = 0;
274  virtual void set_entropy_callback(entropy_cb callback) = 0;
283  virtual void set_platform_network_handler(void *handler = NULL) = 0;
289  virtual void update_endpoint(const String &name) = 0;
295  virtual void update_domain(const String &domain) = 0;
302  virtual const String internal_endpoint_name() const = 0;
308  virtual const char *error_description() const = 0;
320  virtual void get_data_request(DownloadType type,
321  const char *uri,
322  const size_t offset,
323  const bool async,
324  get_data_cb,
325  get_data_error_cb,
326  void *context) = 0;
338  virtual void post_data_request(const char *uri,
339  const bool async,
340  const uint16_t payload_len,
341  uint8_t *payload_ptr,
342  get_data_cb data_cb,
343  get_data_error_cb error_cb,
344  void *context) = 0;
352  virtual bool set_uri_query_parameters(const char *uri_query_params) = 0;
362  virtual void pause() = 0;
373  virtual void resume(void *iface, const M2MBaseList &object_list) = 0;
374 };
376 #endif // M2M_INTERFACE_H
virtual void post_data_request(const char *uri, const bool async, const uint16_t payload_len, uint8_t *payload_ptr, get_data_cb data_cb, get_data_error_cb error_cb, void *context)=0
Sends the CoAP POST request to the server. Uri path to the data. In async mode application must cal...
The base class for Client Objects.
Definition: m2mobject.h:39
virtual void set_entropy_callback(entropy_cb callback)=0
Sets the function callback that is called by mbed Client to provide an entropy source from an applica...
virtual void update_registration(M2MSecurity *security_object, const uint32_t lifetime=0)=0
Updates or refreshes the client&#39;s registration on the LWM2M server.
virtual bool set_uri_query_parameters(const char *uri_query_params)=0
Set custom uri query paramaters used in LWM2M registration. Uri query params. Parameters must be in ...
virtual void finish_bootstrap()=0
Finishes bootstrap in cases where client will be the one to finish it.
The base class based on which all LwM2M object models can be created.
Definition: m2mbase.h:63
Definition: m2minterfaceobserver.h:32
virtual void set_queue_sleep_handler(callback_handler handler)=0
Sets the function that is called for indicating that the client is going to sleep when the binding mo...
virtual void resume(void *iface, const M2MBaseList &object_list)=0
Resumes client&#39;s timed functionality and network connection to the Cloud. Updates registration...
virtual const char * error_description() const =0
Return error description for the latest error code.
Definition: functionpointer.h:27
An enum defining different kinds of binding modes handled for client operations.
Definition: m2minterface.h:114
Definition: m2msecurity.h:31
virtual void get_data_request(DownloadType type, const char *uri, const size_t offset, const bool async, get_data_cb, get_data_error_cb, void *context)=0
Sends the CoAP GET request to the server. Download type. Uri path to the data. Data offset...
Definition: m2mstring.h:33
virtual void update_domain(const String &domain)=0
Updates the domain name.
An enum defining different kinds of network stacks that can be used by mbed Client.
Definition: m2minterface.h:131
virtual void pause()=0
Pauses client&#39;s timed functionality and closes network connection to the Cloud. After successful call...
virtual void update_endpoint(const String &name)=0
Updates the endpoint name.
virtual void set_random_number_callback(random_number_cb callback)=0
Sets the function callback that is called by mbed Client to fetch a random number from an application...
A class for storing and calling a pointer to a static or member void function.
virtual void register_object(M2MSecurity *security_object, const M2MBaseList &list)=0
Initiates the registration of a provided security object to the corresponding LWM2M server...
A simple C++ Vector class, used as replacement for std::vector.
virtual const String internal_endpoint_name() const =0
Return internal endpoint name.
virtual void set_platform_network_handler(void *handler=NULL)=0
Sets the network interface handler that is used by mbed Client to connect to a network over IP...
Definition: m2minterface.h:82
virtual void unregister_object(M2MSecurity *security_object=NULL)=0
Unregisters the registered object from the LWM2M server.
Definition: m2mconfig.h:116
File defining all system build time configuration used by mbed-client.
Definition: m2mvector.h:30
void(* request_data_cb)(const uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t total_size, bool last_block, void *context)
A callback function to receive data from GET request. Transfer is completed once total size equals to...
Definition: m2minterface.h:58
virtual void bootstrap(M2MSecurity *security_object)=0
Initiates bootstrapping of the client with the provided Bootstrap Server information. NOTE: This API is not supported for developers!!
void(* request_error_cb)(request_error_t error_code, void *context)
A callback function to receive errors from GET transfer.
Definition: m2minterface.h:70
virtual void cancel_bootstrap()=0
Cancels an ongoing bootstrapping operation of the client. If the client has already successfully boot...
An enum defining different kinds of errors that can occur during various client operations.
Definition: m2minterface.h:90
virtual bool remove_object(M2MBase *base)=0
Removes an object from M2MInterface. Does not call delete on the object though.