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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 apr_base64.hAPR-UTIL Base64 Encoding
 constants.hCommon constants used in Edge Core
 default_message_id_generator.hDefault message ID generator for JSON-RPC messages
 edge_io_lib.hTestable functions relating to file input/output
 edge_mutex.hEdge Mutex API
 edge_time.hEdge time API
 edge_trace.hEdge trace API
 integer_length.hEdge common integer handling functions
 pt_api_error_codes.hEdge service error codes
 edge_server_customer_code.hEdge server customer code
 protocol_api.hEdge RPC API
 client.h**Deprecated** Protocol translator client for API v1
 pt_api.h**Deprecated** Protocol translator client for API v1
 pt_device_object.h**Deprecated** A utility header to contain the LwM2M device object ID:3 creation for mediated endpoints
 pt_api.hProtocol translator external API V2
 pt_certificate_api.hAPI for subscribing certificate renewal notications and renewing certificates
 pt_client_api.hContains the interface to create, connect, register, unregister and shut down the protocol translator client. Also contains call declaration of call-back which is called if client is disconnected
 pt_common_api.hContains common structures and definitions for the protocol translator client
 pt_crypto_api.hAPI for crypto operations and retrieving certificates and public keys from storage
 pt_device_object.hA utility header to contain the LwM2M device object ID:3 creation for mediated endpoints
 pt_devices_api.hContains the interface to manage multiple devices
 pt_userdata_api.hProtocol translator API for client's data