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pal_plat_network.h File Reference

PAL network - platform. This file contains the network APIs that need to be implemented in the platform layer. More...

#include "pal.h"
#include "pal_network.h"

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palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsInit (void *context)
 Initialize sockets. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_registerNetworkInterface (void *networkInterfaceContext, uint32_t *interfaceIndex)
 Register a network interface for use with PAL sockets. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_unregisterNetworkInterface (uint32_t interfaceIndex)
palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsTerminate (void *context)
 Socket termination. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_setSocketOptions (palSocket_t socket, int optionName, const void *optionValue, palSocketLength_t optionLength)
 Set options for a network socket. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_isNonBlocking (palSocket_t socket, bool *isNonBlocking)
 Check if a socket is non-blocking. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_bind (palSocket_t socket, palSocketAddress_t *myAddress, palSocketLength_t addressLength)
 Bind a socket to a local address. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_receiveFrom (palSocket_t socket, void *buffer, size_t length, palSocketAddress_t *from, palSocketLength_t *fromLength, size_t *bytesReceived)
 Receive a payload from a socket. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_sendTo (palSocket_t socket, const void *buffer, size_t length, const palSocketAddress_t *to, palSocketLength_t toLength, size_t *bytesSent)
 Send a payload to an address using a specific socket. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_close (palSocket_t *socket)
 Close a network socket. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_getNumberOfNetInterfaces (uint32_t *numInterfaces)
 Get the number of current network interfaces. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_getNetInterfaceInfo (uint32_t interfaceNum, palNetInterfaceInfo_t *interfaceInfo)
 Get information regarding a socket at a specific interface number. More...
palStatus_t pal_plat_asynchronousSocket (palSocketDomain_t domain, palSocketType_t type, bool nonBlockingSocket, uint32_t interfaceNum, palAsyncSocketCallback_t callback, void *callbackArgument, palSocket_t *socket)
 Get an asynchronous network socket. More...

Detailed Description

PAL network - platform. This file contains the network APIs that need to be implemented in the platform layer.

PAL network socket API /n PAL network socket configuration options:

  • define PAL_NET_TCP_AND_TLS_SUPPORT if TCP is supported by the platform and is required.
  • define PAL_NET_DNS_SUPPORT if DNS name resolution is supported.

Function Documentation

palStatus_t pal_plat_asynchronousSocket ( palSocketDomain_t  domain,
palSocketType_t  type,
bool  nonBlockingSocket,
uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palAsyncSocketCallback_t  callback,
void *  callbackArgument,
palSocket_t socket 

Get an asynchronous network socket.

[in]domainThe domain of the created socket. See enum palSocketDomain_t for supported types.
[in]typeThe type of the created socket. See enum palSocketType_t for supported types.
[in]callbackA callback function that is called when any supported event takes place in the given asynchronous socket.
[in]callbackArgumentthe argument with which the specified callback will be called when any supported event takes place in the given asynchronous socket.
[out]socketThis output parameter returns the socket.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success, a specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_bind ( palSocket_t  socket,
palSocketAddress_t myAddress,
palSocketLength_t  addressLength 

Bind a socket to a local address.

[in]socketThe socket to bind.
[in]myAddressThe address to bind to.
[in]addressLengthThe length of the address passed in myAddress.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_close ( palSocket_t socket)

Close a network socket.

The function recieves palSocket_t* and not palSocket_t so that it can zero the socket to avoid re-use.
[in,out]socketPointer to the socket to release and zero.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_getNetInterfaceInfo ( uint32_t  interfaceNum,
palNetInterfaceInfo_t interfaceInfo 

Get information regarding a socket at a specific interface number.

[in]interfaceNumThe number of the interface to get information from.
[out]interfaceInfoThe information for the given interface number.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_getNumberOfNetInterfaces ( uint32_t *  numInterfaces)

Get the number of current network interfaces.

The function counts interfaces that have been successfully registered.

[out]numInterfacesThe number of interfaces after a successful call.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_isNonBlocking ( palSocket_t  socket,
bool *  isNonBlocking 

Check if a socket is non-blocking.

[in]socketThe socket for which to check non-blocking status.
[out]isNonBlockingThe non-blocking status for the socket. Is true if non-blocking, otherwise false.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_receiveFrom ( palSocket_t  socket,
void *  buffer,
size_t  length,
palSocketAddress_t from,
palSocketLength_t fromLength,
size_t *  bytesReceived 

Receive a payload from a socket.

[in]socketThe socket to receive from. The socket passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM, unless your specific implementation supports other types as well.
[out]bufferThe buffer for the payload data.
[in]lengthThe length of the buffer for the payload data in bytes.
[out]fromThe address that sent the payload. This value is optional, pass NULL when not used.
[in,out]fromLengthThe length of the from address. When completed, this contains the amount of data actually written to the from address. This value is optional, pass NULL when not used.
[out]bytesReceivedThe actual amount of payload data received in the buffer.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_registerNetworkInterface ( void *  networkInterfaceContext,
uint32_t *  interfaceIndex 

Register a network interface for use with PAL sockets.

Must be called before other socket functions. Most APIs will not work before an interface is added.

[in]networkInterfaceContextThe context of the network interface to be added. This is OS-specific.
In mbed OS, this is the NetworkInterface object pointer for the network adapter and assumes a connect has already been called on this.
If not available, use NULL. This is not required on some OSs.
[out]interfaceIndexContains the index assigned to the interface if it has been assigned successfully. This index can be used when creating a socket to bind the socket to the interface.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_sendTo ( palSocket_t  socket,
const void *  buffer,
size_t  length,
const palSocketAddress_t to,
palSocketLength_t  toLength,
size_t *  bytesSent 

Send a payload to an address using a specific socket.

[in]socketThe socket to use for sending the payload. The socket passed to this function should be of type PAL_SOCK_DGRAM, unless your specific implementation supports other types as well.
[in]bufferThe buffer for the payload data.
[in]lengthThe length of the buffer for the payload data.
[in]toThe address to which the payload should be sent.
[in]toLengthThe length of the to address.
[out]bytesSentThe actual amount of payload data sent.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_setSocketOptions ( palSocket_t  socket,
int  optionName,
const void *  optionValue,
palSocketLength_t  optionLength 

Set options for a network socket.

See palSocketOptionName_t for supported options.

[in]socketThe socket to configure.
[in]optionNameThe name of the option to be set. See enum palSocketOptionName_t for supported types.
[in]optionValueThe buffer holding the value to set for the given option.
[in]optionLengthThe size of the buffer provided for optionValue in bytes.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsInit ( void *  context)

Initialize sockets.

Must be called before other socket functions. By default, is called from PAL init.

[in]contextOptional context. If not available or applicable, use NULL.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_socketsTerminate ( void *  context)

Socket termination.

This can be called when sockets are no longer needed, to free socket resources.

[in]contextOptional context. If not available, use NULL.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.
palStatus_t pal_plat_unregisterNetworkInterface ( uint32_t  interfaceIndex)

Unregister a network interface.

interfaceIndexIndex of the network interface to be removed.
PAL_SUCCESS (0) in case of success. A specific negative error code in case of failure.