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mbed-client Directory Reference


file  coap_response.h [code]
 CoAP response code values.
file  functionpointer.h [code]
 A class for storing and calling a pointer to a static or member void function.
file  m2mbase.h [code]
 M2MBase. This class is the base class based on which all LwM2M object models can be created.
file  m2mblockmessage.h [code]
 M2MBlockMessage. This class contains the data of an incoming block message.
file  m2mconfig.h [code]
 File defining all system build time configuration used by mbed-client.
file  m2mconnectionhandler.h [code]
 M2MConnectionHandler. This class handles the socket connection for the LWM2M Client.
file  m2mconnectionobserver.h [code]
 M2MConnectionObserver. The observer class for passing the socket activity to the state machine.
file  m2mconnectionsecurity.h [code]
 M2MConnectionSecurity. This class provides a method to create a secure socket connection to handle connectivity for the mbed Client. It handles sending, receiving and establishing a secure connection for mbed Client on top of the normal socket connection.
file  m2mconstants.h [code]
 File defining all the constants used across mbed-client.
file  m2mdevice.h [code]
 M2MDevice. This class represents the Device Object model of the LwM2M framework.
file  m2mendpoint.h [code]
 M2MEndpoint. This class can be used to represent an LwM2M Device endpoint and it contains a list of LwM2M objects.
file  m2mfirmware.h [code]
 M2MFirmware. This class represents the Firmware Object model of the LWM2M framework. It provides an interface for handling the Firmware Object and all its corresponding resources. There can be only one instance of a Firmware Object.
file  m2minterface.h [code]
 M2MInterface. This class provides an interface for handling all mbed Client interface operations defined in the OMA LWM2M specifications. This includes Bootstrapping, Client Registration, Device Management & Service Enablement and Information Reporting.
file  m2minterfacefactory.h [code]
 M2MInterfaceFactory. This is a factory class that provides an interface for creating an mbed Client Interface object for an application to utilize the LWM2M features provided by the client.
file  m2minterfaceobserver.h [code]
 M2MInterfaceObserver This is an observer class that updates the calling application about various events associated with various Interface operations. Also, it informs about various errors that can occur during any of the above operations.
file  m2mobject.h [code]
 M2MObject. This class is the base class for the mbed Client Objects.
file  m2mobjectinstance.h [code]
 M2MObjectInstance. This class is the instance class for mbed Client Objects. All defined LWM2M object models can be created based on it. This class also holds all resource instances associated with the given object.
file  m2mobservationhandler.h [code]
 M2MObservationHandler. An interface for handling observation callbacks from different objects.
file  m2mreportobserver.h [code]
 M2MReportObserver. An interface for inviting the base class to send a report to the server.
file  m2mresource.h [code]
 M2MResource. This class is the base class for mbed Client Resources.
file  m2mresourcebase.h [code]
 M2MResourceBase. This class is the base class for mbed Client Resources. All defined LWM2M resource models can be created based on it.
file  m2mresourceinstance.h [code]
 M2MResourceInstance. This class is the base class for mbed Client Resources. All defined LWM2M resource models can be created based on it.
file  m2msecurity.h [code]
 M2MSecurity. This class represents an interface for the Security Object model of the LWM2M framework. It handles the security object instances and all corresponding resources.
file  m2mserver.h [code]
 M2MServer. This class represents an interface for the Server Object model of the LWM2M framework. It handles the server object and all its corresponding resources.
file  m2mstring.h [code]
 A simple C++ string class, used as replacement for std::string.
file  m2mstringbuffer.h [code]
 StringBuffer. This class performs common string concatenation operations on a fixed-sized buffers.
file  m2mstringbufferbase.h [code]
 StringBufferBase. This class is the base class for fixed-sized string buffers.
file  m2mtimer.h [code]
 M2MTimer. Timer class for mbed client.
file  m2mtimerobserver.h [code]
 M2MTimerObserver. Observer class for indicating the timer expiry to the parent class.
file  m2mvector.h [code]
 A simple C++ Vector class, used as replacement for std::vector.
file  uriqueryparser.h [code]
 Provides helper functions for parsing URI query parameters.