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Device Management Update tutorials

These tutorials show you how to update firmware using Device Management.

The tutorials use Mbed OS as a case study, with an emphasis on the development workflow. For more information about production devices or those using another OS, contact Pelion support.

Tip: The process is the same through preparing the manifest, regardless of how you interface with Device Management.

Update process

  1. View prerequisites, and ensure you've met all of them.

  2. Integrate Device Management Client into your application.

  3. Prepare a full firmware image: If you already have a full image on your device(s) and want to perform a delta update, you can create a delta image.

  4. Prepare a firmware manifest.

    Note: From this point, there are separate tutorials for Device Management Portal and the Service APIs. Choose the tutorial for the method you use.

  5. Upload the firmware image to Device Management:

  6. Create and run an update campaign:

    • Using Device Management Portal:
      • Monitoring campaign phases.
      • Manually stopping a campaign.
      • Seeing campaign statistics.
      • Archiving completed campaigns.
    • Using the APIs:
      • Monitoring campaign phases.
      • Manually stopping a campaign.
      • Seeing campaign statistics.
      • Archiving completed campaigns.
  7. Campaign troubleshooting is available if you encounter problems during the update process.