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Device Management Client 2.0.1 General Availability (GA)


Device Management Client example

  • Application uses wait_ms(int) instead of wait(float); this saves a bit on application size.
  • [Mbed OS] Application will print NetworkInterface status over console.
  • [Mbed OS] Application is now using Mbed OS 5.10.1.

Note: You should update to Mbed OS 5.10.2 if you encounter mutex-related lockups. There is an issue in Mbed OS 5.10.0 and 5.10.1 that can hard fault the boards during file operations. You can simply update the mbed-os.lib file hash to e1bea44212b8275f7d8ce7253e758c2e25c57482 (or newer) and run mbed deploy again.

Device Management Connect client

Fixes following defects:

  • Client now has CoAP duplication detection enabled by default; this improves stability of client on networks like NB-IoT.
  • For resources containing big data (blockwise CoAP), client will start sending notifications only after the subscription for that resource has completed its blockwise transfer.

Device Management Update client

  • Firmware download now resumes after network outage when using CoAP.
  • Added support for slow link networks when a received packet contained only a HTTP header. This was causing the resume download feature to fail.

Platform Adaptation Layer

  • [Mbed OS] Change default mount point from "fs" to "default". Mount point "default" can be used with all different types of storage.
  • [Mbed OS][mbedtls] Tune software AES for smaller size instead of speed. Disable some of the speed optimizations on AES code to save 6 KB of ROM.
  • [Mbed OS][mbedtls] mbedtls-config updates to save 7.5KB of ROM on Mbed OS.

Known issues

Device Management Update client

  • Currently, you cannot overwrite the firmware download setting from HTTP to CoAP on non-Mbed OS platforms.
  • You can create the bootloader binary for Device Management Client from the mbed-bootloader repository. Currently, this repository is not compatible with MbedOS 5.10. However, it creates a bootloader binary that is compatible with Device Management Client 2.0.0 compiled with MbedOS 5.10.

Mbed OS

We recommend searching the issue list in the Mbed OS repository for known issues and their latest status.

  • For flashing the .hex binary with Mbed OS 5.10, you must update your board's DAPLINK firmware to version 0250 or later.
  • NUCLEO-F411RE compiled with IAR does not connect.
  • K64F hard faults (imprecise data access error, in event_core_write) when compiling with ARM CC compiler.
  • Mbed OS 5.10.0 and 5.10.1 can hard fault in file operations, PR #8451 (fixed in 5.10.2).


  • Firmware update from one Linux distribution version to another does not work. For example, firmware update from Yocto distribution Morty to Rocko is not currently possible, as there are Linux version-dependent files (device tree) in the BOOT partition. Therefore, updates need to be done within one major version of a distribution.
  • glibc versions 2.23 and 2.24 have a bug in thread creation. It can cause random crashes with Linux.
    • If possible, update glibc to version 2.25 (or newer). See sourceware issue 20116 for details.
    • We have implemented a workaround for this issue to decrease its likelihood. This issue may still occur under certain circumstances.
  • The Device Management Client application must run as root to have access rights to perform the firmware update.
    • This is not the most secure way to handle this issue, so a more secure implementation will come later.
  • Yocto distribution has only been tested in the developer certificate mode.

Device Management Client 2.0.1 Third Party IP report

Device Management Client uses some open source Third Party IP (TPIP). This table lists the TPIPs whose sources we included:

Original License Description
cn-cbor MIT Factory configurator client (FCC) uses cn-cbor: A constrained node implementation of CBOR in C, with slight modifications. The code is at mbed-cloud-client/factory-configurator-client/secsrv-cbor.
Unity MIT Platform Adaptation Layer (PAL) tests use Unity framework from ThrowTheSwitch. The code is at mbed-cloud-client/mbed-client-pal/Test/Unity.

You also get more TPIP with the Mbed OS release itself (for example lwIP and FATFS).