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Viewing workstation statistics

Secure Factory Service sends manufacturing data from the factory to Device Management.

You can view factory workstation statistics in Device Management Portal or by calling the Manufacturing Statistics REST API to retrieve a CSV-format daily manufacturing statistics report.

In Device Management Portal

To view manufacturing statistics in Device Management Portal:

  1. Log in to Device Management Portal as an administrator.

  2. From the side menu, select Fleet management > Factory metrics.

  3. Select Start and End dates.

    Device Management presents manufacturing statistics for each of the workstations in your factories, including average, maximum and minimum provisioning times per device and total device count per workstation.

Using the API

To download a manufacturing statistics report, copy this cURL request into your command line:

curl -f -OJ -H 'authorization: Bearer <access key>' https://api.us-east-1.mbedcloud.com/v3/manufacturing/report?reportDate=<YYYY-MM-DD>


  • <access key> is your access key.
  • <YYYY-MM-DD> is the date for which to retrieve the report. For example, 2019-10-20.

Report example

Factory ID Factory name Workstation Average provisioning time (sec) Max provisioning time (sec) Min provisioning time (sec) Device count
12 Factory1 100 3.833333 4.0 3.1 6
12 Factory1 101 3.75 4.0 3.0 8

Response codes

Code Description
200 - OK The call was successful. You'll get a manufacturing statistics report in a CSV file.
400 - Validation error The request is invalid. Check the required parameters.
401 - Unauthorized The access key provided is invalid.
403 - Forbidden You do not have permissions to retrieve manufacturing statistics.
404 - Not found Manufacturing statistics are not available for the given date.