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Errors during the provisioning flow

If the device sends an error response at the workstation, resolve the error and restart the provisioning flow.

  • Failed to parse payload

    This error can occur if the factory ID on the device is associated with an unexpected public key. To resolve, update the factory ID and public key on the device.

    This error can also occur if there is a mismatch between the device and factory protocol versions. To resolve, flash the device with an updated image.

    Log example:

    2020-12-09 19:45:55,729 INFO DEVICE-0035005D000200000001, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-09T18:45:55.703318Z","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Failed to parse payload"}
    2020-12-09 19:45:55,729 ERROR ERROR SRC:TOOL
    2020-12-09 19:45:55,730 ERROR MSG Failed to parse payload
  • Device error 1: General error

    Additional debugging required.

    Log example:

    2020-12-14 14:04:12,461 INFO DEVICE-dyL8, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:04:13.013063Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <1>: General error"}
    2020-12-14 14:04:12,463 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:04:12,463 ERROR MSG Device error <1>: General error
  • Device error 2: init request message size error


    Device error 3: provisioning request message size error

    Request message is not of the expected size. This could occur because a connectivity issue prevented the device from receiving the full message, or a mismatch between the device and factory protocol versions. Retry sending the message or flash the device with a new image.

    Log examples:

    2020-12-14 14:14:25,172 INFO DEVICE-fYyA, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:14:25.741374Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <2>: Init request message size error"}
    2020-12-14 14:14:25,173 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:14:25,174 ERROR MSG Device error <2>: Init request message size error
    2020-12-14 14:18:40,590 INFO DEVICE-eAVQ, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:18:41.138074Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <3>: Init request message size error"}
    2020-12-14 14:18:40,591 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:18:40,591 ERROR MSG Device error <3>: Init request message size error
  • Device error 4: factory server public key not found

    No public key found for the given factory ID. Update the factory ID and public key on the device.

    Log example:

    2020-12-14 14:20:42,964 INFO DEVICE-o3DW, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:20:43.541259Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <4>: Factory server public key not found"}
    2020-12-14 14:20:42,965 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:20:42,965 ERROR MSG Device error <4>: Factory server public key not found
  • Device error 5: Factory failed to get DUSN value

    Update the Device Unique Serial Number (DUSN) on the device.

    Log example:

    2020-12-14 14:20:47,299 INFO DEVICE-D3gh, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:20:47.849202Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <5>: Factory failed to get DUSN value"}
    2020-12-14 14:20:47,300 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:20:47,301 ERROR MSG Device error <5>: Factory failed to get DUSN value
  • Device error 6: Provisioning blob of the wrong size

    The provisioning payload is bigger than expected. Modify the certificate configurations; this might require regenerating the factory certificate or the root of factory (RoF) certificate.

    Log example:

    2020-12-14 14:22:32,590 INFO DEVICE-LyZT, '/v1/device_config' res: {"timestamp":"2020-12-14T12:22:33.164104Z","status":409,"error":"Conflict","message":"Device error <6>: Provisioning blob of the wrong size"}
    2020-12-14 14:22:32,593 ERROR ERROR SRC:DEVICE
    2020-12-14 14:22:32,594 ERROR MSG Device error <6>: Provisioning blob of the wrong size